Friday 5 February 2016

Happy Propose Day Shayari, Messages & SMS in Hindi

Happy Propose Day Shayari, Messages & SMS in Hindi, English

Happy Propose Day 2016 Shayari

Happy Propose Day Shayari – Valentine day is just around a corner with giving lots of enjoyment for couples. Along with enjoyment love complete with a responsibility and care. This is the part of true relationship. On this Valentine Day share a shayari with your love once that tell the words of love and care.

Happy Propose Day Shayari
Happy Propose Day Shayari

Müjhé Khâmosh Râhon Méin Térâ Sââth Châhiyé, Tânhâ Hâi Mérâ Hââth Térâ Hââth Châhiyé Jünoon-É-Ishq Ko Téri Hi Soügâât Châhiyé, Müjhé Jééné Ké Liyé Térâ Hi Sââth Châhiyé.
Happy Propose Day …!!

Ghâm Méin Hâsné Wâlon Ko Rülâyâ Nâhi Jâtâ Léhron Sé Pâni Ko Hâtâyâ Nâhi Jâtâ Honây Wâlé Ho Jâté Hâin Khüd Hé Âpné Kisi Ko Kéh Kâr Âpnâ Bânâyâ Nâhi Jâtâ
Happy Propose Day …!!

Âgâr zindâgi mâi jüdâi nâ hoti, To kâbhi kisi ki yââd ââi nâ hoti, Sâth hi güzârtâ hér lâmhâ to shâyâd, Rishton mâi yéh géhrâi nâ hoti…
Happy Propose Day …!!

Happy Propose Day Shayari SMS
Happy Propose Day Shayari SMS

Happy Propose Day Messages in Hindi, English

Here are the fabulous collections of Happy Propose Day messages. Check out this collection and select that one which is suitable for your relationship. Share this love messages with your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband and wife through Facebook, Whatsapp and mobile devices on this Valentine day to make this day more special with your love once.

Happy Propose Day Messages Wishes
Happy Propose Day Messages Wishes

‘Lifé coünts âll d roâds v trâvél.süm r smooth,süm r rüf.süm i wüd râthér 4gét.büt thérés 1 roâd i wont régrét-d roâd whr v mét n bcâmé frnds.
Happy Propose Day …!!

I âm opéning ân émotionâl bânk âccoünt for ü swééthéârt
So déposit yoür lové in it ând yoü will gét thé intérést.
Happy Propose Day …!!

Thé swéétést wây to proposé: 
“Éxcüsé mé, do yoü hâvé â bând âid, 
bécâüsé i scrâppéd my knéé 
whén i féll in lové with yoü.” 
Will yoü bé miné …
Happy Propose Day …!!

Happy Propose Day Messages SMS
Happy Propose Day Messages SMS

Happy Propose Day SMS for GF / BF

Sending SMS is the best way to express your headset feeling about your partner. If you partner is away from you and you want to wish them on this Propose Day then you can wish them by just sending SMS to them this is the perfect idea to reach your feeling to them.

Happy Propose Day SMS Messages
Happy Propose Day SMS Messages

Whât Gréâtér Thing Is Théré For Two
Hümân Soüls Thât To Féél Thât Théy
Âré Joinéd, To Stréngthén Éâch
Othér, To Bé Ât Oné With Éâch
Othér In Silént Ünspéâkâblé
Mémoriés, Lét Üs Mâké Mémoriés
Of  Lifétimé On This Proposé Dây.
Happy Propose Day …!!

Will yoü do mé thé honor of bécoming my diviné for thé lifé timé? So i cân livé with yoü till thé étérnity…
Âll I wântéd wâs Soméoné to câré for mé,
Âll I wântéd wâs Soméoné who’d b théré for mé,
Âll I évér wântéd wâs Soméoné who’d b trüé,
Âll I évér wântéd wâs Soméoné liké Yoü,
Happy Propose Day …!!

Happy Propose Day Wishes
Happy Propose Day Wishes


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