Wednesday 10 February 2016

Happy Hug Day SMS Quotes Messages In Hindi

Happy Hug Day SMS Quotes Messages In Hindi English Tamil Marathi | Happy Hug Day Images Pics

Happy Hug Day SMS Quotes Messages- Hug Day is yearly celebrated on 12 February. Hug day is sixth day in Valentine week and which is celebrated in most innocent and intimated act of hugging to express the love with our nearer and dearer once. Hug is the act of spread your arm and squeezes your love once into a bear hug to express deep appreciation for your love once. This day is more special in Valentine week that is best way to express the love with nearer once that propose day, promise day or kiss day. This hug is not only for just expressing the love but also express love for them. Hug Day is best way to express the true love and feelings towards your love once. This Valentine is also celebrated by simply exchanging the wishes with our friends, family members and with our love once. Celebrate this Hug Day simply giving big warm hug to your partner.

Latest Happy Hug Day Quotes

Hug Day is the most romantic day in the Valentine week. This day is not only celebrated with love once but also you can also celebrate this day with those who are more special in our life. Wish those people with Happy Hus Day messages that will be help you to express your love and care for them by sharing Happy Hug Day Quotes with them.
 Happy Hug Day Quotes
Happy Hug Day Quotes

  • Méânìng of Hugs:-

H- hâppy féélìngs shâréd
U- unìvérsâlly wârm & fuzzy
G- gréât 2 gìvé & 2 récéìvé
S- suré 2 mâké ânyoné’s dây
Ì hopé thìs “HUG”.
Mâkés your dây brìghtér.
Hâppy Hug Dây

  • Got â gìft for you!

No cost!
No bâttérìés réquìréd! Tâx fréé,
Pérforms sìléntly, éxtrémély pérsonâl!
Fully réturnâblé!
Ìts â hug from MÉ to You!!

Also Read: Happy Hug Day 2016 Images Pictures Photos HD Wallpapers

  • TâLk 2 mé wHén ì’m boRéD,

kìSS mé wHén ì’m sâD,
hug mé wHén ì cRy,
câRé 4 mé wHén ì dìÉ,
loVé mé Whén ì’m sTìll Âlìvé.
Hâppy hug dÂY……Hâppy Hug dây 2016.

Happy Hug Day SMS in Hindi, English

Valentine Week is just around a corner. This is the most beautiful time of the year which is celebrated with our love once. Celebrate this Hug Day with sending this best collection of Happy Hug Day with our best collection of Happy Hug Day SMS this SMS also available in Hindi as well as Marathi.
Happy Hug Day SMS
Happy Hug Day SMS

  • *** Koì Kâhé Ìssé Jââdu Kì Jhâppì,

Koì Kâhé Ìssé Pyââr..
Mâukâ Khubsurât,
Ââ Gâlé Lâgjâ Méré Yââr..
Hâppy Hug Dây !
Bolé Toh
Hug Dây Mubârâk !

  • Your ârms wéré âlwâys opén whén Ì néédéd â hug.

ur héârt undérstood whén Ì néédéd â frìénd.
ur géntlé éyés wéré stérn whén Ì néédéd â lésson.
ur stréngth ând lové hâs guìdéd mé & gâvé mé wìngs.
Wìshìng you â hâppy hug dây

  • Ââ gâlé lâg jâ méré yââr,Dédoon Jâdu Kì jhâppì do châr, Ââìsé hì kâtjâyé Zìndégì wìthout âny rìsk, És ummìd ké sâth Wìsh You Hâppy Hug Dây…….

Happy Hug Day Messages for Tamil, Marathi

Hug Day is most beautiful expression of affection. Celebrate this Hug day with giving a tightly hug with our partner. Here we provide Happy Hug Day messages in Tamil as well as Marathi. Wish your friends in your mother tongue in this Valentine Week.
Happy Hug Day Messages
Happy Hug Day Messages

  • डोळ्यातल्या स्वप्नाला…

कधी प्रत्यक्षातही आण !
किती प्रेम करतो तुझ्यावर,
हे न सांगताही जाण !!!
Hâppy Hug Dây!

  • तुझ्या प्रेमाचा रंग तो…

अजूनही बहरत आहे.
शेवटच्या क्षणा पर्यंत….
मी फक्त तुझीच आहे !!!
Hâppy Hug Dây!

Also Read: 
Happy Valentines Day 2016 | Happy Valentines Day My Love
  • Ìrulâì nésì, vìdìyâl thorìum..
Thoolvìyâì nésì, vétrì thorìum..
Ulâìppâì nésì, uyârvu thorìum..
Unnâìâyé néé nésì ulâgâm unâkku purìum…

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